Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Queens Marraige Bureau Hours Anti Same Sex Marraige Comment By Brian Williams On NBC NIghtly News.?

Anti Same Sex marraige Comment by Brian Williams on NBC NIghtly News.? - queens marraige bureau hours

On Monday, November 19, 2007 royal in one segment, "Celebrating a wedding" (the website) or crowning Achievement "(in number) Brain Williams begins the history of comments on the wedding of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, then comments" At a time when marriage is under attack "before the rest of the segment. However, while the attack is not gay marriage may sound straight forward LGBT population. At least a blatant violation of journalistic integrity. I wonder how this feeling.

Follow this link to show for NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams Comments
(http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-us&brand=msnbc&tab=s51&from=00&playlist=videoByTag:mk:us:vs:1:tag:hotvideo_m_edpicks:ns:MSNVideo_Top_Cat:ps:10:sd:-1 : ind: 1: FF: 8A & vid = 887d6a3b-15ed-46c8-8144-217f632eb41f)
(The segment starts at 16:50 Clock marriage and commentary of marriage is under attack in 17:03)

(If you ask a comment offensive GLAAD report @ https: / / www.glaad


Faerie_Q... said...

The marriage of Queen Elizabeth is certainly nothing to celebrate as an example, when Prince Philip is a notorious adultery.

Best Answer said...

well, someone who read (the liberal media scum and only for the recording is heard, the Harvard study, which comes out freely to confirm how they are biased) is actually an opinion or commentary is a fact .

and end up with the acronym "LGBT" - is just one way of the weasel gay men and transvestites, in its perverse combination instead of the authorization they have an illness and seek treatment legitimize hidden.

Johnny Reb said...

Get a life and grow. Are you mad at him for the rejection of his passes or what?

Anthony E said...

I think they are really more Senseta. No one said **** on gay marriage. Im not against gays, but I believe the lie that homosexuals want to marry. Basically, think you can go against the nature of God. God wanted a man and a woman to be together and mate. Two persons of the same sex can not have children, and that is what God kt. I think your just a gay man who is more sensitive to everything, which does not want to hear you. To grow and get some pussy.

Anthony E said...

I think they are really more Senseta. No one said **** on gay marriage. Im not against gays, but I believe the lie that homosexuals want to marry. Basically, think you can go against the nature of God. God wanted a man and a woman to be together and mate. Two persons of the same sex can not have children, and that is what God kt. I think your just a gay man who is more sensitive to everything, which does not want to hear you. To grow and get some pussy.

raindrea... said...

I agree, it seems that he can throw too much in the statement - in part for something when there really is not. Marriage is generally regarded as the attacks are in many ways not automatically assume that the statement is a prejudice.

Brian Williams is partially? I do not know. But the comment itself seems benign. Directly from the results of feeling may, harassed and perpetuate division, and we must be careful not to do.

MolyCool said...

You overreact.
Before today, unfortunately, is attacked and must not jump to the conclusion that he wanted the idea of it - gay marriage.

Spell Check !! said...

He can not express how you feel? What does the man have to do with GLAAD?

Spell Check !! said...

He can not express how you feel? What does the man have to do with GLAAD?

Psychotic Clown said...

Chang j, 're an idiot.

Jesusa said...

I bet that TV commercials are made by
under the direction of heterosexual homophobic disgust.

jezuzgir... said...

It does not violate anything. Marriage, whether same sex or not, clearly does not agree under attack by someone with the way it is, as it should so I think it's only bring trouble. I swear, some people just want to be offended only.

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