Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Binocular Test Nikon Action Ex 8x40 How To Check With Simple And Practical Test Actual Magnification Of A Binocular While Purchasing It?

How to check with simple and practical test actual magnification of a binocular while purchasing it? - binocular test nikon action ex 8x40

This is not the answer you are looking for, but it is the easiest way to get the answer. The binoculars will be on the relationship between the two parts you print your eyes looking at certain parts of the eye enlargement. He will say, 8x or 10x. This extension. There really is no simple test to check the extension. Interestingly, 10x image is not 25% higher than 8x, only 25% more. The image is only 5% larger, perhaps.

A test that is often used to set the image quality of a telescope that occurs when you print to a printer lazer common image of a series of shelves and paste it into the wall and then by comparing it with binoculars about 25 meters. Now, more expensive even lower power binoculars tend to give a clearer picture of the double-cheaper higher power to improve the quality of the optics. With color images can be through an ink jet printer are manufactured, you can also see the difference, perhaps in color fidelity.

Here is a crackle test is commonly usedn, to give you an idea.

http://www.edmundoptics.com/onlinecatalo ...


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